
Snack Smart

In CrossFit, exercise, Fitness, Food on September 2, 2012 at 9:53 pm

It’s hard to eat healthy on a whim. Eating clean and healthy does take some time, planning, & effort. The good thing is, practice makes perfect. The more you start planning and incorporating better options in to your diet, it gets easier.

Where I think some people go wrong (and I know, because I’m one of them) is snacking. Whether it’s vending machines at work, or that drive-thru McDonald’s sundae (raising hand)…there are PLENTY of unhealthy options that we don’t have to think about, right at our fingertips. Most, full of processed junk. I’m not going to lie and say I NEVER eat junk, because sometimes I just can’t help my sweet tooth and don’t get me started on Cheetos.

But I’ve found if I plan ahead for my week/meals and have easy grab’n’go choices, I’m much less likely to think about the unhealthy, processed snacks.

What I’ve found works for me is keeping my snacks below 200 calories and trying to snack only when I feel slightly hungry. I’ve found this also helps control the servings in my meals and powers me through afternoon workouts.

A few of my favorite bars.

Tortilla chips/salsa, almonds, and cheese sticks are some over favorites.

When I want something sweet and delicious!

Other foods not pictured:

  • Deli turkey
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Fruits/veggies – small apples,banana,mandarin oranges (my favs)
  • Apple sauce (watch the sugar though)

These snacks will help keep you on the right track each day. Don’t forget to WRITE what you eat down. It will keep you accountable and help you make adjustments.

My workout for today:

I only used 30 lbs overhead. Still TOUGH!

My new favorite Brooks running shorts! Now get to sweatin’!

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